Welcome to Reflective Wellness

                     . . . discover your healing connection

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Nourishing our mind, body and spirit requires effort and discipline.  I believe increasing our awareness and identifying what we need is key. Finding and maintaining a balance may be overwhelming at time.  This process can be similar to learning a new language.  With practice each day the translation becomes more familiar, however it's an ongoing lesson.  My personal approach requires a positive support group, daily exercise or body work and an endless supply of organic chocolate.

My motivation in promoting Massage Therapy is simple - it works.  In a nut shell, it enhances the body's natural ability to maintain and heal itself.  Relieving muscle tension and encouraging relaxation is necessary for creating a healthy environment for every system to perform property.  Reducing the amount of physical and mental stress is an effective beginning to improving one's health.

Additional information on Massage Therapy and other wellness articles will be provided on this site in the future.  Questions or comments are always welcome.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Monthly Post:  How to choose the right Massage Therapist for You

Helpful Links:

